(541) 786-4670 robin@reflectionva.com


A Reflection of You
Get in touch

Debit Card

Virtual Assistance is a relationship-based service. I look to work with my clients long-term. Some people have monthly, ongoing needs; others needs are regular, but more periodic. Both types need a go-to person to help. So, I have created a simple, wonderful, easy approach to pricing – a virtual debit card!

I call this a “ReflectionVA Debit Card”!

You buy the quantity of hours you want up front and use it at whatever pace and for whatever services (or combination) you like. These are offered in 5-, 10-, and 15-hour chunks. Each block is good for 6 months. No contracts or monthly minimum required.

And when you need more hours, you just refill your debit card. Easy Peasy!

Ready to Buy a Debit Card?

No problem! Click below for whichever amount you want to get started with:

Debit Cards are non-refundable

Not sure how much time you need?

Click Here to schedule a 30-minute coffee chat with me to discuss your business needs and together we can determine what block of time will get you going

It’s free. It’s 30 minutes. It’s all about you.

Robin was essential in taking off my plate what I didn’t have time for. In turn, that allowed me to work first hand with my clients personally knowing she was keeping the back fires burning which increased my business and kept me in the forefront of peoples minds. I highly recommend her and her services.

Christy Marsing Barber

Founder | CEO, Savvy Cat Hemp


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Set up a time to talk with me about your business.

It’s all about you - learn more about my process here.